Welcome to a worn, familiar path in the prairie where you and I are able to be real about life. Exploring any given corner of Prairie Lily Arts, you are apt to discover my invitation to stroll through tall grass. We are naturally inclined to share more fully the deliberations, uncertainties, and aspirations of our hearts and minds when we are walking together. Certainly if a friend suggests in the midst of conversation, "Let's go for a walk...", my eyes will turn to theirs. The expression I find will be like a window rising, a door opening, as this treasured one before me reveals, "I need to share something important with you...".
Sometimes when we set our bodies in motion, our thoughts and feelings flow more freely. Walking with one another generally provides neutral territory, natural surroundings, delightful distractions, setting us at greater ease to express ourselves without reservation. And so, as we grasp these moments of life we've been gifted, I say to you, stroll with me... let's share something real.
Stroll with me through tall grass and be at home with me... where life happens and dreams blossom. Walk with me where the world is unmanicured, uninhibited, unrestricted and yet displays an enchanting order and natural harmony... living as it was intended. New discoveries await at every parting of the grass. Within the gentle breeze we learn to nourish our roots as much as our outward growth. Sometimes our dreams, our endeavors, even cherished friends seem as elusive as the weightless seeds of prairie lace swept away on the wind. Let us find joy in watching them take flight, knowing they will soon take root, growing with beauty and design. Found outside of its ideal environment, a weed is nothing less than a delicate flower dancing in the wind... proving faithful in its effort to thrive and fulfill its God-given purpose, cultivating a sweet, wild root that is life-sustaining and nourishing not only to itself, but to others. Bathed in sunlight we delight in these discoveries and journey forward. Under the soft cloak of night, reflecting on the close of each day, we find true north once again... and realign our steps. Nothing impedes us from dreams on the horizon. Unseen obstacles, once forged, produce gifts of new strength. Even in the stark, barren aftermath of an uncontrolled blaze, we find the dawn of greatest growth and rejoice, dancing in the rain. Life abounds. Come as you are, who you are. Linger with me as long and as often as you can... strolling through tall grass.