If you were to create a picture of where and who you are at this moment
and another of where and who you want to be...
what would you capture?
Can you see each image in your mind?
Now, in one word, define the difference.
What one word can bridge the divide between now and then?
A "then" of goals realized... dreams captured?
What is your word?
My word?
Potential lies dormant.
Yet there is new life prepared to spring forth.
The old must be pruned away,
lest energy be vainly sacrificed for what has come and gone
in seasons passed.
And after the storm,
with the light of a new morning,
we see growth.
For it is the blossom which withers first
under the scorching rays of high noon and is lost in drought.
But it is also the blossom which produces new life.
It is the blossom which yields sweet nectar
and lends its fragrance to the breeze.
It is the blossom which swells and bursts forth into fruit.
It is through the fragile blossom that we know the true strength of the roots.
The tightly closed bud represents hope.
And the fullness of the delicate, breathtaking, open flower
in its height of beauty
sings thanksgiving
unto the hands of the Master
for perfect design
unfailingly tended.
The storm rumbles off into the distance.
The roots held fast.
Among the tender leaves,
drenched in renewal,
my eye catches a glimpse of vibrant color.
Tomorrow's blossom.
My word is blossom.
What is yours?