Is warm... and about to grow warmer.
What seems stark
Is budding... and about to prove full.
What seems harsh
Is soft... and about to blossom tender.
Though the sun is masked,
These clouds of gray are but a blanket's comfort.
Trees towering bare
Teem with life anew.
Winter bids an unassuming adieu.
Its offerings made, received, and treasured...
Majestic in its crescendo.
Snow pure against midnight stars,
Glistening cascades frozen in movement...
Every rippling arch captured for a time,
Children's laughter carried upon brisk winds,
Sky canvases pristine in day's azure...
Sparkling with a million gems by night.
Breaths drawn sharp, crisp, exhilarating...
Visible life.
How we have marveled.
Yet we embrace a new palette.
Every sense heightens... alert, anticipating,
As winter whispers its last.
Spring waits with gentle patience
Dressed in girlish swirls of floating chiffon.
...And as the final notes play...
They dance.