Fall’s last warmth streams light through gems dancing golden... once summer’s ordinary. I am awed.
Isn’t that true of God’s every blessing? He shapes. He offers. He pours the radiance of His grace upon our most meager of offerings and comes forth the rare, the powerful, the long-to-be treasured. We laugh joy in our praise. We bow humble in quiet thanksgiving.
So many blessings. How do we begin to acknowledge fully? How do we number them? For I know so many... so many. But the greatest of these is love.
This girl knows the sacred blessing of love abundant and pure. Ink-scribed words rest tender in my hands. Raw-soul prayers bridge hearts where miles divide. Hand-stitched quilts wrap warm as mother-daughter life-dream whispers span midnight sky.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13
Where are the words, the breath, to offer gratitude sufficient? Thankful... for the greatest of these... spilling. Abundantly, eternally thankful.
Today I offer thanks with our family of families at the Homeschool Village. Last year I shared how we write on the wall each Thanksgiving at our home. This year, I share with the Village how our tradition will change as we give thanks to a God who loves... a God who is love. Promise true... neither love nor God ever fail. Join hands with me?
I pray this Thanksgiving your homes swell with the greatest of all blessings... love that does not fail... authored by our God who loves perfectly.